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Organized Meetings

The parents’ teachers association is an organization composed of parents and teachers. The two groups meet for the purpose of assessing teachers and finding ways of improving life and performance areas, cultural, academic, social and ethical.

PTA is mainly formed for a basic reason of taking into account the welfare and education of the learners. Parents and teachers study ways and means of bringing up well educated, cooperative and perfectly behaved young citizens.

Both parents and teachers seek effective ways of developing each child’s potentials. In order to help the school realize its purpose, parents play some important roles. These include,

a) Raise money to help both the running and the activities of the school.

b) Explain the roles of the school to the community, this is how teachers and community members come to a more harmonious relationship.

c) They give their points of view to the teachers concerning academic improvement and moral standards.

d) Help head teachers and their staff maintain effective discipline among their students.

Although PTA helps schools in various ways, they have limitations such as, Some parents are reluctant to attend meetings for fear they would be asked to contribute some money this hinders discussions on some matters which affects all the parents.

At times, some schools are far away. The distance to travel prevents parents from attending meetings. Head teachers also do not always provide enough information to the parents about the roles that they are expected to play in PTA. Some PTA executives may not be sufficiently educated to give sound academic advice to the school personnel.

# First Name Last Name Username User No.
1 Mark Otto @mdo 100090
2 Jacob Thornton @fat 100090
3 Larry the Bird @twitter 100090
4 Mark Otto @mdo 100090
5 Larry the Bird @twitter 100090
6 Jacob Thornton @fat 100090
7 Larry the Bird @twitter 100090
8 Jacob Thornton @fat 100090
9 Mark Otto @mdo 100090
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